I don’t eat that badly? Do I? I didn’t think I ate that badly even though I would use food to deal with the stressful situations in my life.

The lockdown in 2020 (because of the Covid-19 virus) was a very difficult time. Like many other families, we balanced working-from-home, online school, taking care of relatives and the uncertainty created by the pandemic. So much uncertainty.

The restrictions on supermarket shopping and the closure of fast-food restaurants meant that I no longer had access to my usual comforts and that I had to find new ways to cope. 

  • I exercised consistently. 
  • I listened to music and motivational speeches throughout the day. 
  • I also devoted more time to prayer and meditation. 

But you MUST BE CONSISTENT to permanently change your behaviour and maintain results. And once the country started to reopen, I gradually went back to my old eating habits. 

Yes, I still trained 4-5 days a week but we all know you can’t out-train a bad diet. 

It’s about perception

One thing I’m trying to do differently is to change the way I look at food. When things get stressful, I’ve been using the same methods that I used during lockdown (prayer, meditation and music). 

Instead of trying to lose weight by a certain time, I’m working on being consistent with diet and training. I no longer eat on the floor. Instead, I eat at the table, and whenever possible, I use a knife and fork, so that I’m more mindful while eating. 

I’m focusing on the improvements in my health: blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat etc. I still weigh myself, but it’s no longer the main focus. I know that once I change my behaviours, I will lose the weight.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Being the only one in our household who is eating differently is a challenge. I am constantly surrounded by chocolates, chips, bread etc. Although it is really difficult at times (yes, some days I do give in) seeing tempting foods and being able to say “no” is a very empowering feeling. I want to be an example for my family to follow.

I’ve been delaying going to Bajan Diet Designs to have my measurements taken. Procrastinating once again. But I’m making the appointment and I’ll include the results in my next post. I am not doing it alone.

Socrates wrote, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new.” Changing your lifestyle requires a change in your way of thinking and a change of habits. Create new habits that move you towards your goal. You will make mistakes but you cannot give up!

See you next time.


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