With more months left in the Wet season (Summer)  it is almost guaranteed that temperatures will increase and it will feel hotter. If it’s hotter than usual, you may feel the effects of dehydration sooner and with more intensity than during the cooler months. Dehydration impacts your body, mind, mood and health negatively. Water is still the best way to hydrate and fight against the effects of the heat and the sun. However, if you’re tired of drinking water or not a fan of the taste then you can EAT YOUR WATER.

Staying hydrated is important – click here to read more about why in our blog 

It’s no surprise that the foods that keep you hydrated are plentiful during these hotter months and many of them we already consume or incorporate into our meals. Number 5 is one of our favourites.


Did you know that cucumber is 95% water? This makes it number 1 on our list of foods that hydrate and are available locally. In addition, cucumbers contain vitamins and minerals that provide you with energy to beat the heat.


Mangoes are the perfect Summer fruit. This fruit, which is usually a beautiful array of oranges and reds, is not only a great source of Vitamin A (beta carotene) and Vitamin C but is also very hydrating – approximately 80% of mango is water.


When you read about “eating your water” you probably thought of watermelon. This refreshing, popular Summer fruit is 92% water, packed with antioxidants with just a touch of sweetness and is a great way for both adults and kids alike, to increase their water intake.


Citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes, are full of antioxidants and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps replenish energy and has a cooling effect on the body

It’s probably why lemonade is so popular during the hotter months. Eat your citrus by adding pieces to your green salad and desserts or by eating them just as they are.


Avocado or Pear, as it is affectionately known in Barbados, does not have as high a water content as watermelon or cucumber but can help you beat the heat in other ways. 

Avocado contains monounsaturated fats which can help remove excess heat and toxins from the blood.

We have highlighted five foods that hydrate and can be found locally but this list is by no means exhausted. Foods like tomatoes, pineapple, berries are also quite hydrating as well.

A dietitian can help with challenges you may have staying hydrated and with creating a tailored meal plan with the nutrients you need.

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