Congratulations! You have made it to week 6 of the challenge.
As a treat, we are offering a downloadable version of our meal plan. This offer is limited so get yours today!
The struggle is real. It hasn’t been easy but it will be worth it. As promised, we are with you all the way.
Keep working towards the goal you have set for yourself. You are doing well and you know what you want. By now, you should be feeling and looking good, more confident and more productive at home and at work.
Stay focused: do not allow what others say to get in your headspace. No one knows how you feel or the discomfort you have had to endure. Remember the old Bajan saying “the man that wears the shoe feels the pinch”. You have to continue to commit to the process of change. You are putting down the old and replacing it with the new.
Keep moving: getting fit and healthy takes consistent behaviour, but consistent does not mean boring. If walking, change your routes often to allow for a change in scenery, if working out change routines if you feel boredom stepping in or find a partner to help encourage you to keep on keeping on. You are working out for the health benefits and you are eating for weight loss. Make the movement fun and remember laughter is the best medicine.
Find time to relax: life and weight loss challenges can be stressful at times so remember to take time to relax. Choose whatever activity brings you joy and happiness. My favourite hobby is gardening. Whether you garden, read, design or create, just love it and enjoy it, smile when you see it and take pleasure in your hard work. It will bring you joy when your “flowers” start to bloom and you start reaping the benefits.
You’re doing well… keep going.
Next Blog: Lower your blood pressure in 14 days by trying the DASH eating plan