• Eat small, frequent meals instead of three big meals a day.
Small amounts of food exert less workload on the stomach and therefore require less acid secretion for digestion.
• Avoid fats and fatty foods.
Grill, steam, boil or bake. Do not add margarine or oil. High fat foods remain in the stomach longer, thus causing the need for more stomach acid in order to digest them
• Limit consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine, chocolate, *peppermint, and spearmint. Both regular and decaffeinated coffee may increase acid secretion
• All carbonated drinks increase the risk for GERD and alcohol, especially beer, can double your stomach acid within an hour
• Avoid eating late at night. In general, avoid eating for at least two hours before bedtime
• Drink more water. Also try linseed or barley water to soothe the stomach
• Eat more dark green vegetables like parsley, spinach, Chinese cabbage and broccoli. These vegetables are rich in vitamin K, which helps healing
• Pawpaw contains natural enzymes which may aid digestion

• Being overweight increases pressure on the stomach. Lose weight if necessary. Avoid tight belts and waistbands
• Stand upright and bend correctly (with the knees and not from the waist)
• Use active-culture yogurt regularly. Excess acid can cause an imbalance in the normal bacteria in the intestine. Live yogurt can restore a healthy balance
• After meals, take a walk or, at the very least, remain upright