So you have been following the healthy challenge for a few weeks now, well done. Is this your first attempt at weight loss? If it is, let’s make it your last. If it is not, let’s make sure that this time is your last time.

For those of you who have been here before, can you count the number of diets you have tried in the past years?  Can you count how many times you have lost the weight only to regain it? I know it has been a frustrating experience for you. Is there a better way to lose and maintain weight? 

I think so, but obviously it takes a longer time and lots of patience to start the process of behavioural change. Remember the saying “taking time is not laziness”. So let’s stop rushing to change but rather take the time to understand how to change.

Weight loss can be challenging for many people and I think that maintaining commitment is where people struggle, especially when they also have commitments to others. It is difficult to prepare so many different meals and stick to your workout schedule when you have housework, children with school and their own activities, and other professional and family commitments.

Let’s break the cycle

Invest in yourself, no one else can. Investments are usually long term instruments that generate value over time. You have to see yourself as valuable and create the time to take care of you.

Do not look to “diet”, look to learn how to eat healthy, learn about the properties of food, how to prepare quick nutritious meals and most importantly stop counting calories.
All foods should be included in a healthy eating plan (← Click for a FREE meal plan on us) and we should also be able to decide what we want to eat and what we do not. Yes we should avoid eating or drinking foods with excessive amounts of certain nutrients, but balance works.

Give yourself a lifetime to hit your target. I find that people give themselves a short window to reach their goal and little thought is given to maintaining their goal. Constantly losing and regaining weight is not good for the body, physically or mentally. 

Consider setting yourself a weight range rather than an absolute number. That way you allow for the natural fluctuations in weight that occur. I know people love the scales, but the truth is the scale is more your enemy than your friend. Try using your clothes to guide you through your challenge or better yet a measuring tape. 

Staying active is very helpful in maintaining a healthy weight during your long-term weight loss plan. I know most people think activity means the gym, but activity is whatever gets you moving on your two feet. Unfortunately, because most people give themselves a limited time to achieve their goal, when the goal is reached the activity slowly comes to a halt. Whatever positive changes you make, make them for life. Being active will help to protect your muscle mass over time, just take breaks when you need them. 

You can break the weight loss cycle, we know you can.

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