Kidney Friendly Fruits and Vegetables

While managing kidney disease, you should also maintain a healthy diet. This means including fruits and vegetables daily in your diet. Potassium is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Some may be high in potassium and need to be limited. Potassium is important to...

Fluid Overload

Having too much fluid in our body is called fluid overload. This happens when we are consuming more liquid than we are passing out. Fluids are anything that is liquid at room temperature including soups, gelatins, ice creams and popsicles. Fluid is removed from our...

Kidney Care

We only have 2, so like the heart and the skin, these need care too. The kidneys are some of the hardest working organs in the body, they stay behind the scene working very hard to cleanse our bodies of all the waste we put into it daily while at the same time...

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