Cholesterol Myths Debunked

Cholesterol Myths Debunked

In the food and nutrition world, there is a ton of misinformation on how to manage your cholesterol. Here we share 5 facts on cholesterol, so you have better control of your health journey. Myth #1: You should avoid eggs, especially the yolks. Fact: Cholesterol-rich...
Showing Your Heart TLC

Showing Your Heart TLC

Throughout this challenge, we have placed focus on healthier lifestyle changes; your heart is no exception. Showing your heart some TLC is the key to managing your cholesterol levels.  The foods you eat should give your heart love and protection. Your diet should...
Caribbean Cooking with Diabetes

Caribbean Cooking with Diabetes

‘Bananas are too sweet’.   ‘You can no longer eat sweet potatoes.’  ‘Green banana is too starchy.’ Once you have diabetes everyone gives you nutrition advice saying you have to limit all the foods you know and love. Today, we want to let you know that...
Fat and the Inflammatory Process

Fat and the Inflammatory Process

There are many things that can lead to chronic inflammation. Some are genetic – they cannot be changed but can be helped – and some are lifestyle factors that can be changed. Let’s start with the positive.  We need fat. However, like everything else...
Diet or Weight Cycling –Time to Stop

Diet or Weight Cycling –Time to Stop

So you have been following the healthy challenge for a few weeks now, well done. Is this your first attempt at weight loss? If it is, let’s make it your last. If it is not, let’s make sure that this time is your last time. For those of you who have been here...

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