Why was my body fat still above 30%?

Why was my body fat still above 30%?

I don’t eat that badly? Do I? I didn’t think I ate that badly even though I would use food to deal with the stressful situations in my life. The lockdown in 2020 (because of the Covid-19 virus) was a very difficult time. Like many other families, we balanced...
Girl, focus on creating new habits

Girl, focus on creating new habits

After my first post, I was overwhelmed by the task ahead. It felt that I had taken on something that was “too big” for me to do. I kept procrastinating, allowing fear and doubt to take over. Instead of moving forward, I chose to stay in my comfort zone. Sounds...


A personal blog following a client’s weight loss journey. June 1, 2022 Sharing my story means I have to be vulnerable. It means not stepping but jumping out of a space where I feel comfortable and safe. It means acknowledging that I don’t always have things under...
World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association defines hypertension as high blood pressure at or above 130/80 mmHg with stage 2 hypertension being defined as a blood pressure at or above 140/90 mmHg. 1 Hypertension symptoms are not usually...
A Healthy Lifestyle for a Lifetime

A Healthy Lifestyle for a Lifetime

It is my view that a healthy lifestyle for a lifetime is a better approach to weight loss than dieting for 6 or 8 weeks at a time. Change takes time and is not linear, we need to allow ourselves the time to unlearn old behaviours and replace them with healthier ones....

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