It is my view that a healthy lifestyle for a lifetime is a better approach to weight loss than dieting for 6 or 8 weeks at a time. Change takes time and is not linear, we need to allow ourselves the time to unlearn old behaviours and replace them with healthier ones.

Congratulations to all of you who completed this fitness challenge. This is only the first part of your journey, now you decide on your long-term maintenance plan so you continue reaching for your goal and we would be honoured to guide you through your next steps.

During the challenge, I provided as many different eating styles as possible along with some Bajan foods we know and love. Every eating style will not work for you – you have to find the right style that fits you at this present moment.  

I hope you have embraced the idea that eating nutritiously and getting enough movement can make you feel better physically and mentally while creating the weight loss you may be looking for. 

We wrap up this challenge with two more pieces of advice.

Substitute sugary beverages with water. A significant amount of energy comes from sugar-sweetened beverages and snacks. This in itself can have a negative impact on your overall health as well as your pocket. At this stage of the challenge, you should have reduced your sugar intake significantly and water is now your new best friend. 

Faster is not always better. We lead busier lives these days and convenience and poor food choices have taken over. Let’s use this challenge to change this practice, let’s meal prep and eat more of what you cook; that way you know what is in your food. If you missed our FREE meal plan offer before you can find it available here for a limited time.

Thank you for joining the challenge and I wish each of you the best of health. 

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