While managing kidney disease, you should also maintain a healthy diet. This means including fruits and vegetables daily in your diet. Potassium is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Some may be high in potassium and need to be limited.

Potassium is important to help your muscles work properly and to have a regular heartbeat. If you are experiencing weakness, numbness and tingling it may mean your potassium level is too high.

Here is a guideline to help you choose your fruits.

Low Potassium Fruits and vegetables (Less than 150mg per portion)

Apple, 1 Broccoli
Applesauce Bean sprouts
Blackberries and blueberries Green beans
Canned peaches, pears, fruit cocktail Cabbage
Gooseberries Celery
Grapes Corn, frozen, boiled
Lemon, lime Cucumber
Pineapple (fresh or canned) Eggplant
Strawberries Green peas
Tangerines Raw greens: Mustard greens, spinach
Juice: apple, cranberry, grape Lettuce
Peach Mushrooms
Pear Onions
Peppers, sweet or hot
Summer squash

NOTE: a portion is ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw. Having more than a portion can make a low potassium food
a high potassium food.

You should work with your medical doctor and dietitian to help manage your potassium levels.
You can call our office at 425-8593 to book an appointment with our Registered Dietitian.

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