by Karissa Graham
Acadia University Student

In this world where some are passionately committed to finding solutions for coping with the increasingly intense effects of climate change, deforestation, pollution, and declining biodiversity, World Environment Day shines as a light of hope and worldwide collaboration to reduce the negative impacts of climate change.

Earth possesses great potential to be a more beautiful and harmonious place. Annually, June 5th marks that ‘special’ day for nations worldwide to come together to celebrate this planet we call home and vow their commitment to maintaining and revitalizing its ecosystems. As the hashtag and slogan #BeatPlasticPollution signals, the ambitious main theme of this year’s campaign for World Environment Day centres on forging effective solutions to hazards spawned by plastic waste. However, as trends indicate, the battle to reverse the overall environmental crisis remains daunting.

Globally, the troubling reality is that our planet’s environment faces a daily battering from the undesired impacts of uncontrolled human activities. Compared to the progress made to redress concerns, these impacts are still too substantial. Consequently, negative effects on economies, human health, and quality of life, continue to increase in number and severity while becoming more diverse. The fact that both the causes and impacts of global warming can be ultimately diminished if these human activities were significantly scaled back or eliminated where possible, should inspire hope. Yet, all too often, the realization of such objectives seems far-fetched, and so across the globe much work remains to be done to attain the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Wrestling this beast to the ground will necessitate conceiving, implementing and maintaining a successful public awareness agenda to educate and empower private and corporate citizens, communities, and local interest groups worldwide to the vital importance of fostering sustainable lifestyles and practices. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” was just a starting point. Sustainable living includes everything we do. It’s about what we eat as well as where it comes from and how we get it. It is about how we use our natural resources as well as how we power our lives. Sustainable lives also consider the way we move around and demands efficient use of all we own. They call us to protect and preserve everything that is precious.

Governments and relevant Non-Profit Organisations (NGOs) must take the lead to ensure that all hands are on deck to achieve the main goal of a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment. In light of the urgent need to reverse environmental decline, everyone must re-evaluate their choices and make changes. Political administration must exercise vision while remaining focused and committed to the policies they articulate. This will ensure robust public support. In so doing, national initiatives should dovetail with two of World Environment Day’s primary objectives – raising public awareness of environmental issues globally and promoting well-informed decision-making.

These key drivers promoted by World Environment Day are commendable and can prove rewarding if all stakeholders get on board and whole-heartedly pursue their targets in strategic ways.

World Environment Day is a meaningful observance, serving a significant purpose in securing the future of our planet and its inhabitants. I encourage all to stay in tune and cultivate sensitivity to the cries of our environment. Let us all appreciate the beauty and diversity of our world and prioritize our response to the issues at hand. Every little change can help.

So, on June 5, 2023, get involved and celebrate the day. Endless rewards await.

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