I enjoy listening to motivational speeches while I work out. 

Recently, while lying on the mat trying to recover from an intense leg session, I was listening to a speech by comedian and television personality Steve Harvey. He talked about his life and shared his keys to success. 

His speech was relatable and inspiring but what really intrigued me was when he said,  “Discipline, determines your destiny, not your desire. Desire is where you want to go. Discipline is how you get there.”

Discipline is the key to success!

I’ve been thinking a lot about discipline. I’ve realised that regardless of how badly you want something in life, without self-discipline it will remain just that, an unfulfilled goal. 

How badly do you want it? 

Do you actually believe that you can achieve it? 

I don’t think I’ve ever really asked myself these questions about attaining a healthy lifestyle and realising my fitness goals. 

After going off my nutrition plan for a few days, I was working to mentally get back on track. In the weeks prior, I planned (even if it was just a mental one) what I would eat each day. I also exercised consistently. 

I was doing well and I felt empowered. I was disciplined.

Self-discipline looks different for everyone but is critical to achieving my goals. What does discipline look like for me?

  • Discipline is training even when I don’t feel like doing it. 
  • It’s making time for a consistent spiritual practice. 
  • Prepping my meals each week and eating those meals. 
  • Not eating the leftovers from my kid’s plate or snacks – that’s discipline! 
  • Going to bed early so that I get enough rest. 
  • Limiting my time on social media

I know for me walking away from the “snack cupboard” in the kitchen will take a lot of discipline (lol).

I’m sure you get my point. 

While self-discipline is not easy, I am mindful of those factors that make it even more difficult to succeed. Stress, lack of sleep and an environment not supportive to my goal can make this healthy lifestyle more challenging. I MUST address these to ensure my success.

Until then I will continue on my journey for a healthier me. 


  • May 2021-160 lbs        
  • August 2021–154.4 lbs

See you next time… Nicole.

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