A personal blog following a client’s weight loss journey.

June 1, 2022

Sharing my story means I have to be vulnerable. It means not stepping but jumping out of a space where I feel comfortable and safe. It means acknowledging that I don’t always have things under control. It means being exposed to possible judgment. This wasn’t an easy decision. 

I remember getting goosebumps when Julian first suggested that I write a blog. Initially, I was very excited about the idea but this was quickly followed by waves of doubt. 

Why would anyone be interested in knowing about my journey? 

Yes, I had made some progress but I still wasn’t where I wanted to be. I could think of other people, other women, who (I felt) had more successful, more inspiring stories. How could I encourage others if I was still, at times, struggling to deal with my issues?

Added to my mental struggle was the fact that after reaching my “goal” weight last year and maintaining it for close to eight months, I was now almost 160lbs – 15lbs heavier with body fat that was slowly moving towards 40%. What example would I be setting?

With time, I realized that I was more concerned about how I would look to others than being open and authentic about my journey – its struggles, lessons and victories.

Coming up with ideas for the blog was easy but the title took a bit longer – I didn’t have a title until a few days ago. It came to me one morning in those few moments before you can really get your thoughts together when you’re still trying to figure out if you can relax and stay in bed a bit longer. I needed to get up and get out of my way!

That’s what getting fit and managing my diet is really about, it’s about dealing with the mental and emotional obstacles that lead to my unhealthy eating habits and that have kept me trapped for years. 

During the time I’ve been working with Bajan Diet, I understand that my struggle with weight isn’t just about my food choices; it’s much deeper than that. 

I am a forty-five year old, professional, wife and mother who is working to get out of her own way so that she can become the most authentic and healthiest version of herself.

These blogs share my journey.


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