Throughout this challenge, we have placed focus on healthier lifestyle changes; your heart is no exception.

Showing your heart some TLC is the key to managing your cholesterol levels. 

The foods you eat should give your heart love and protection. Your diet should be gentle on your heart while limited saturated fats, full of high fibre foods (ground provisions, nuts and seeds), lean proteins, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals. 

Too much saturated fat can cause cholesterol to block your arteries which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.  

Showing your heart some TLC is about eating foods that are beneficial to your heart and establishing patterns you can stick with to protect your heart over time. Consistency has to be key. 

When it comes to improving your cholesterol the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet (TLC) is the way to go! The TLC diet has a few simple guidelines which should be followed long term to continue to see the results: 

  • Eat enough calories to maintain a healthy diet. If you are unsure of how many calories to eat each day, we at Bajan Diet Designs will be happy to guide you. 
  • Exercise at a moderate-intense pace for at least 30 minutes each day. Protecting your heart should include exercise as it strengthens your heart and improves circulation
  • Limit your high fat foods like fried foods, bacon, sausages
  • Aim for high fibre foods daily; including pigeon peas, kidney beans, okras, carrots, sweet potato and breadfruit. 

The TLC diet is a new way of living, not just a quick fix. If you find yourself slipping, do not let it stop you from reaching your goals. Go back to the basic principles of the diet and you will be fine. 

It’s more about making small changes and following them consistently so that they can add up to a big difference for your heart and body.

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