There are many things that can lead to chronic inflammation. Some are genetic – they cannot be changed but can be helped – and some are lifestyle factors that can be changed. Let’s start with the positive. 

We need fat. However, like everything else there is a limit to what is necessary for good health and what becomes harmful to health. When there is too much fat then we start speaking about inflammation and inflammatory markers. 

So what is inflammation? Inflammation is a general term to describe the body’s immune response. It is though that the biggest factor in chronic inflammation might be fat.

What does fat have to do with inflammation? Most of the concern relates to the amount of fat in the body and the type of fat we eat. The fatty tissue in the body is made up of adipose cells (adipocytes), which get bigger but do not increase in number, and tend to expand based on poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle. Remember the saying “we are what we eat ”.

In summary: Excess fat tissue leads to chronic inflammation!

Most of the time we think of fat as just weight we want to be rid of but it is so much more than that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just harm us because of its weight, it harms us through inflammation.  

So here is the good news, moderate weight loss (10% body weight) can cause significant reduction in the inflammatory process.  As the weight is lost, fat cells get smaller and go back to functioning normally. As the inflammation reduces, your body starts to react more positively to your healthy food choices, that’s why you begin to feel so good, have more energy, sleep better and life suddenly begins to be exciting again.

If you would like assistance reducing the fat in your diet, begin with our Quick Start Guide.

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