It is time to say BYE-BYE to back, knee and joint pain – the right way and for a lifetime. No pills or potions.

Imagine a life where you’re pain-free. One where you could do more of the things you enjoy without the aches and pains. Standing in the kitchen to prepare meals or taking a walk with your family or bending in your garden does not have to be avoided. It is time to live without the pain!

Many of us have body pain and may be wondering why and how to stop it. Carrying just a few extra pounds, especially around your midsection, can cause back pain or pain with other body parts. Why?

Because the extra weight in the mid-section pushes your pelvis out of alignment, your body works to keep itself balanced which causes strain on your lower back. The same thing happens with knee pain and joint pain. The additional weight is putting a heavier load on your joints and bones, causing chronic pain.

Losing weight, even just 5-10lbs can ease your pains. This can be through diet alone or paired with exercise.

Starting to eat healthy can reduce your weight and body fat. We want to encourage you to get started as the more pounds you gain increases the pain along with increasing your risk for serious health issues like diabetes.

The additional weight also further discourages you from being active as the more pain you have, the less likely you are to move around or exercise.

Get rid of your pain for good by following through with this program. Find a support buddy if you need to. Set realistic short-term and long-term goals to reach your weight loss goals and keep each other motivated along the journey!

Next Blog: Are you struggling your way through weight loss?

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